2018年4月5日 星期四


同心求告 - 專注耶穌
Unite as one in His pray cry


愛世人,甚至祂賜下的聖子,耶穌,多麼愛你。God is so love the World, even His given Son, Jesus, is how love for you.

穌用勝過一切萬難的愛為我死在十字架上。Jesus died on the cross for us with the love that more than difficulties or anything.

穌用勝過死權的愛證明他能叫我從死裡復活。Jesus proved to be able to raise me from the dead with love over death.

是聖潔的,是用以色列的讚美為寶座(或譯:居所)的。(詩 22:3/CUV)... You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. (Psalm 22:3/HCSB)

聲音從寶座出來說:神的眾僕人哪,凡敬畏他的,無論大小,都要讚美我們的神!(啟 19:5 /CUV) A voice came from the throne, saying: Praise our God, all His slaves, who fear Him, both small and great! (Revelation 19:5/HCSB)



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