2013年11月22日 星期五

2013 救世軍緊急援助菲律賓海燕風災報導

(USA special electronic edition of The War Cry - Philippine Disaster)
(救世軍美國領地的電子版救恩報 - 菲律賓救災特刊)

Leader of The Salvation Army in The Philippines: ‘Tacloban Devastation Worse Than Reported by the Media’  - Update 22 November 2013

TERRITORIAL leaders of The Salvation Army in The Philippines, Colonels Wayne and Robyn Maxwell, are in Tacloban to support Salvation Army officers and other personnel who have been working tirelessly in the ongoing relief operations. Accompanied by Commissioner Gillian Downer, the London-based International Secretary for The Salvation Army’s South Pacific and East Asia Zone, the leaders also intend to bring a message of hope and God’s love to survivors of Typhoon Haiyan.

救世軍菲律賓領導者言:“塔克洛班被毀壞的情狀比媒體所報導的還猛烈” - 2013年11月23日

救世軍菲律賓領地的領導人韋恩上校和羅賓麥克斯韋上校,都在塔克洛班,支援一直在不知疲倦地工作、持續救援行動的多位救世軍軍官和其他人員。救世軍倫敦國際總部的南太平洋暨東亞區國際司令在領地指揮官 Gillian Downer 鄧芝蘭中將的陪同下,把上帝的愛和希望的信息帶給海燕颱風的倖存者。

Stories of hope punctuate the scenes of destruction and loss, with Colonel Wayne Maxwell admitting that the devastation caused by the storm and tidal surge is ‘worse than reported by the media’. Latest estimates are that four million homes are uninhabitable. But this week, Salvation Army workers met Jostan and his family, whose home was completely destroyed in the terrifying storm. Remarkably, the whole family survived, including Jostan’s two-week-old sister who was born just before the typhoon made landfall.

許多盼望之描述強調毀壞和損失的場面,韋恩上校和羅賓麥克斯韋上校承認風暴和潮汐浪湧所造成的摧毀破壞 “比媒體所報導的還要猛烈”。譬如最新的估計有400萬個住家無法居住。但本週,救世軍人員會見 Jostan 和他的家人,他的家在可怕的風暴中被徹底摧毀。值得注意的是,全家人倖存,其中還包括颱風登陸前剛出生才兩星期 Jostan的妹妹。

‘There have been many, many deaths in our area,’ Jostan’s uncle told emergency worker Damaris Frick. ‘Fortunately, our family survived – but we have lost everything,’ he continued – his eyes betraying the horrors of what they had witnessed in the last fortnight. ‘We are now going to stay with other family members in Manila.’

"在我們這一地區就有很多的、很多的罹難者",Jostan 的叔叔告訴緊急救援服務人員 Damaris Frick。 "幸運的是,我們全家倖存下來 - 但我們已經失去一切、一無所有",他繼續說著 - 他的眼神流露了他們所目睹過去兩週以來的恐怖。“我們現在要與其他家庭成員呆在馬尼拉。”

Jostan and family may have a long wait. Although military evacuations have resumed from Tacloban Airport, the queues are still long. The Salvation Army continues to provide a supply of clean water and snacks to between 600 and 1,000 people every day.

Jostan 和家人可能有一個漫長的等待。雖然軍事後送(軍隊協助撤離服務)已經從塔克洛班機場恢復,隊列還很長。救世軍繼續每天提供乾淨的飲水和供應小吃給 600 到 1000 人數之間的災民。

Elsewhere in Tacloban, The Salvation Army is distributing emergency supplies to hundreds of families. The packs contain staples such as 10 kg sacks of rice, cans of sardines and corned beef and packets of noodles. A further 40 tons of food will be arriving in the next few days. Aid is also being distributed in Cebu and Manila, where evacuees are now arriving regularly.


The Salvation Army is coordinating with the local government of Pasay in Manila, where a large tent city has been set up to shelter evacuees who have no friends or family in the capital city. Extended ministry among the tent-dwellers is expected to happen for several months.


Experienced emergency services workers Major Drew Ruthven (Australia) and Matthew Beatty (USA) have been despatched to Manila to provide reinforcement and expertise in The Salvation Army’s relief operations.

經驗豐富的緊急援助服務人員 Drew Ruthven 德魯·魯思文少校(澳大利亞籍)和馬修·比蒂(美國籍)已經到馬尼拉增援並在救世軍的救災行動提供專業知識。

Report by Communications Section, International Headquarters

(LSK 中譯)

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