2015年5月17日 星期日

克己運動起跑日的異象分享 | The vision in our SDA 2015 Launch

SDA - Charity bazaar
(Click the Hyperlink Taxt to know the activity date and information)

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"Hope Through Community" 把希望遍傳共同體

為幫助大家能夠同心合一,同感一靈,請容牧者借此,把 "2015 克己運動" 的主題的異象和您分享與說明。

我們從字面知道,在這裡的 "Community" 是單數,合一的,沒有疆界又無遠弗屆。

事實上,在英文中,"Communiry" 的意思很寬闊。可以大到指:一組擁有共同利益的國家;一組相互依存的社會服務和 救世軍軍人的傳教士團隊等。也可以小到指:一群生活在特定地方的人。

一般的中文翻譯者見到此字,會將它翻譯作狹義的 "社區" 或 "社群"。但在〈2015克己運動〉的述求當中,我們可以說它是指一個 "共同體"。


又自1969年,有一些救世軍軍人發起了 "OWSOMS" (把一週薪水捐輸宣教任務),得到了許多人慷慨響應,至今有越來越多的救世軍軍人起來加入這個「克己」的捐輸行動。這是一個挑戰捨己的奉獻,因為這不是一個小數目。在某些軍區, "OWSOMS" 甚至已經成為"克己運動"的代名詞。

克己捐輸是為 神國的事業;是為天國的增長。它是基督的使命,捐輸的善款要用在救世軍發展中的救助事業體。所以從「該撒的物歸給該撒,上帝的物歸給上帝」的原則說來,它從一開始並不是向社會大眾發動的一項募款活動,(除非有特殊原因,是則,譬如在台灣來說,也要依法取之於社會用之於社會)。尤其以這個訴求,去公開地向社會募款,在台灣的民情或現今的法律是很明顯不可行的。


我們在〈2015 克己運動〉當中所要捐助的對象,仍然不離正在世界各地進展中之救世軍事工所及的社區、社群、以及救世軍同仁們正在發展中的方案需要。所以我們對於〈2015 克己運動〉的這個主題的看法上,不使用狹義的、在地觀念的 "社區" 或 "社群",而是用主內軍中同袍愛無疆界的 "共同體" 來表明這個需求的看見。

「希望」是一個奇蹟。畢竟今天,苦難已經是世界各地的課題,而苦難最難招架的敵人,就是希望。因此基督徒為了分享主愛,使國度增長,要趁時而作地說「把希望傳播社區」,在〈2015 克己運動〉的視覺上似嫌過窄。不如 "把希望遍傳共同體" ,這對於救世軍任務的進展,就更貼切有望了。


2015 克己運動宣傳海報(中文版 Chinese)



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 Appeal and invitation from pastor

Dear co-workers, colleagues and friends:

This is the theme of Self-Denial Appeal 2015


To help we can concentric unity, join together, share one spirit, please let pastors take this, the "Self-Denial Appeal 2015" visions of theme and to share with you is described below.

As we knew from the literal, here "Community" is singular, unity, and far-reaching, no boundaries.

In fact, the meaning of "Community" in English is quite wide. Could be big: a group of countries with common interests; a group of interdependent social services and the Salvation Army missionary team. Also would be small enough to mean: a local society, or a group of people who live in a particular place.

Chinese translators in general see this word be translated it for narrow sense of "社區 (a local community)" or "社群 (a local society)". But in we can say that it refers to a "共同體 (a group of TSA Community)".

The Self Denial Appeal, originated in 1886. At first, the Founder of TSA, General William Booth  full dedication was influenced by a Salvation Army colleagues spontaneously moved, in support of local and overseas missions Ministry of the Salvation Army and launched a fund-raising campaign. His first appeal, that is, to all the staff of the Salvation Army and friends who support it. For more than 100 years, the spirit of purpose has not changed.

And since 1969, there are some Salvationists launched a "OWSOMS" (One Week's Salary On Missionary Service), got a lot of people to respond generously, so far there are more and more of them to join the Salvationist's 'Self-Denial' of donations action . This is a Self-Denial giving, because it is not a small number. In some Territories, "OWSOMS" has even become synonymous with "Self-Denial Appeal".

The SDA donations is for the cause of the kingdom of God; is to increase the kingdom of heaven. It is the mission of Christ, donations of money to use in the Salvation Army development aid business units. So from the "the things of Caesar unto Caesar, the things of God's unto God" principle to say, it is from the outset not to launch the public fund-raising activity, (unless there are special reasons, it is then, like in Taiwan, also to be taken from the society giving back to society according to the law). Especially, the above requirements, to open to the community to raise money, the people or the present law in Taiwan is obvious not feasible.

Although the Salvation Army would welcome, encourage all who support the Salvation Army's charity donations. However, growth of the Kingdom of truth, just as a seed falls to the ground depends on its ability to grow in deep soil to take root.

In 2015 we were the SDA is to contribute to the target, still inseparable from the global community and the Salvation Army colleagues, are in progress around the world in the Salvation Army mission reach of the development of the program needs. So we respect the "SDA 2015" view of the subject, do not use the narrow sense, in the way the concept of "社區" or "社群", but love without borders and with the Lord's  Army in the "Community", to indicate its demand.

"Hope" is a miracle. After all, today, the suffering is already a subject around the world, and suffering the hardest enemy to parry, is hope. Christians in order to share God's love, to make the Kingdom grow, sometimes want to take as to say that "Hope through 社區" in
visually like a too narrow. Rather than "Hope through 共同體" for the Salvation Army's own progress, the more appropriate and the expected.

So that, we all shared the same determination, should be no points at home and abroad, to unite we'll stand. It is our strength.

Self-Denial Appeal Posters (English 英文版)


Describs above by

Major Stephen Liang
(TPCC  C.O.)

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SDA - Charity bazaar
(Click the Hyperlink Taxt to know the activity date and information)

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