第一場 軍官研習會 12/03/週四/ 地點在本堂 Officers’ “Holiness Unlocked” Seminar is to be held on Thursday 3rd December 2009 at Taipei Central Corps (限軍官同仁參加)
第二場 軍兵研習會 12/05/週六/ 下午12點30分 至 晚上9點地點在本堂 2. Soldiers’ “Holiness Unlocked” Seminar is to be held on Saturday 5th December 2009 at Taipei Central Corps. There is no charge for the seminar. It will start at 12.30pm and conclude after dinner, which starts at 6.00pm. Delegates should expect to be finished no earlier than 9.00pm. (限軍兵、會友同工參加) 當天將不提供午餐,晚餐將會提供便當。
第三場 聖潔會 12/06/週日/ 上午10點至12點地點在本堂 3. Holiness Meeting at Taipei Central Corps The meeting at Taipei Central Corps on Sunday 6th December 2009 will be a collaboration between Taipei Central Corps and the Region. Commissioners Robert and Janet Street will take part in the meeting. It will commenced at 10.00am, and finish at about 12.00 noon. (歡迎全體會友帶領家庭鄰舍或社區朋友參加)
賽65:8 「耶和華如此說:葡萄中尋得新酒,人就說:不要毀壞,因為福在其中。…」
在早期的英文〈欽定本〉(KJV)譯作 "As the new wine(酒) is found in the cluster"。
新近的〈國際版〉(NIV)則譯作 "juice(果汁) is still found in a cluster of grapes"。
這或許也可能是從英文字 "winepress" 的直譯造成的,要說這英文字其實也是可以解作醡汁池、醡汁器等。
在早期的英文〈欽定本〉(KJV)譯作 "and as the fullness of the winepress"。
新近的〈國際版〉(NIV)則譯作 "or juice from the winepress"。
出22:29 「你要從你莊稼中的穀和酒醡中滴出來的酒拿來獻上,不可遲延。…」
上帝嗜酒麼? 若是有注意到前述的例子的讀者們,應該要懷疑或者會懷疑這一節的語意。(不用多說),我們比較一下不同譯本所謂「從你莊稼中的穀和酒醡中滴出來的酒」:
在早期的英文〈欽定本〉(KJV)譯作 "[to offer] the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors"。
新近的〈國際版〉(NIV)則譯作 "from your granaries or your vats"。
1. When dawn break over the mountain and the sun sets over the sea,
I am deeply moved by its beauty and something stirs,
something stirs in me.
Then my heart responds to creation,
All the wonder I perceive;
And in that moment of splendour I know I believe,
know I believe.
God is!
Everything tells me that God is!
Every thing round me confirms him Sov'reign Lord over all.
God is! I'm a believer that God is!
Jesus is proof of his power,
Now and forevermore.
2. When people care for the hungry, and the homeless refugee,
I am deeply moved by their kindness and something stirs,
something stirs in me.
Then my heart responds with compassion,
To a call I cannot leave;
And in that moment of loving I know I believe,
know I believe.
God is!
Everything tells me that God is!
Every thing round me confirms him Sov'reign Lord over all.
God is! I'm a believer that God is!
Jesus is proof of his power,
Now and forevermore.
3. When people open the Scriptures and reveal its truth to me,
I am deeply moved by the message and something stirs,
something stirs in me.
Then my heart responds to the promise,
Of the grace I can receive;
And in that moment of learning I know I believe,
know I believe.
God is!
Everything tells me that God is!
Every thing round me confirms him Sov'reign Lord over all.
God is! I'm a believer that God is!
Jesus is proof of his power,
Now and forevermore.
forevermore, forevermore.
註一:《創1:1》有所謂「起初」,《約1:1》有所謂「太初」,它們到底是指創造初始、或創造之前,學者們按文意有不同看法。若查核聖經譯本,對於在創造的時間點之前、之後,〈和合本 CUV〉在用字遣詞上刻意以「太初」、「起初」做一區分。(但英譯本〈NIV、KJV、ASV〉等等則一律用"in the biginning")。一般也將它們視為等同。但其實,若查考字義《創1:1》和《約1:1》這二字固然同義,惟在檢視各自章段的文理時可得知,作者所謂「起初」是意在「太初」(約1:1) 之後;"起初" 指創造初始。"太初" 指更早,是宇宙萬物被造以前。(參見 彼前1:20, 弗3:11)。
註二:筆者是根據原文,直譯這句「昔在、今在、以後要來的全能者。」(啟1:8) 中文《和合本聖經》原譯「昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者」,若仔細對照原文字義,「以後永在」這幾個字是令人懷疑的字句。敏感的讀者對於本節的這句,對照基督論應會感到怪怪。
論到主耶穌的神性與永恆性,先知和使徒書信中都宣稱「從亙古到永遠」,怎會祂自己的宣稱竟是「以後永在」呢? (另見《啟1:4》也相同) 。尤其它說主是「以後永在的全能者」,這就更不可思議了!?!?
其實,這是中文版聖經的錯譯或用字不精確的例子之一,筆者特別查考「以後永在」原文字義(G2064) 是那「要來臨者」。因此中譯「是昔在、今在、以後永在的」這句應譯作「是昔在、今在、且快來臨的這位」(讀者也可參見英文版例如):
〈KJV〉" from him which is, and which was, and which is to come;"
〈YLT〉" from Him who is, and who was, and who is coming,"
〈NET〉" from “he who is,”and who was, and who is still to come,"
這字(G2064)在《聖經》中出現多處,根據其後接的語氣詞,語意會有分別。本節是 G2064+G5740(語氣詞) 在〈新約〉26節當中出現,其中唯有《啟1:4,8, 4:8》三節在〈和合本〉中被錯譯作「以後永在」。(啟11:17 漏譯了這幾個字,原因可能根據不同抄本有關,例如比較英文版〈KJV〉和〈ASV〉)。
註三:在基督徒口中或常人,有關於世界「末日」(或末了)和「末時」的語法和看法,時常令人混淆。但它們二者在《聖經》中其實有著十分清晰的分別。「末時」是指審判之時候、時期、時日。「末日」是指不可能再復原的結局。例如:挪亞造方舟與洪水時期是一種「末時」,洪水過後,世界已經丕變,它宣告一個初創(始祖)的世代的「末日」,和一個新世界的開始(更新)。同理,在基督裡面所預告的「末時」是一個世界受審判的時期,這時期當中可能充滿罪罰般的苦難、煉獄般的禍患、大災難,但照 神的計畫和先知之預言,在末時的事終,總是引入復興的新天地。(參見太19:28)。所以世界沒有 Ending,這是某些傳道人的看法。但是光拿這個看法尚嫌粗略不足,還有一個要點 - 必須世人是住在那位「昔在,今在,以後要來臨的」基督的愛裡面,或說活在信基督的世界與祂所應許永生的盼望之中, No Ending 才有可能。反之,「末日」是屬於鬼魔和抵擋基督的不信者,他們的結局就是被主離棄、被投入永死的火湖裡,再也沒有翻身機會面見主神,尋求主恩。(參見太13:49)。所以在罪惡世界「末日」是會來到的。這樣說,讀者您是否明白呢?
我們可以相信「末時」是主來審判世界的日子,直到最後必有一個「復興之日」留給義人,並有一個「末日」是 要留給屬於鬼魔之道的。(有關於這個真理更進一步,且待牧者另文論證說明)。